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Willow Class 2023-24

Welcome to Willow Class pages where we hope you will find out all about the youngest members of our school:

Year R. Willow Class has 30 children and is taught by Miss Jessop and Mrs Moulin and they get up to all kinds of fun learning!

Spring Term Update

We started Term 3 by flying to China. We learnt about the landmarks, had lunch in a Chinese Restaurant, learnt some Mandarin and celebrated Chinese New Year! We enjoyed learning about the story of Gruffalo and exploring our Gruffalo Café during Let’s Explore time. We also enjoyed takin part in the whole school celebrations for World Book Day and Let Your Light Shine Day and got to go on a trip to Three Hills to take part in some sporting activities.

In Term 4 our topic was ‘What a Wonderful World’. Stories like the Bog Baby and The Messy Magpie and David Attenborough clips helped us appreciate how incredible the world is and what we can do to look after it. We introduced the children to ‘Graptor’ our class litter picker who has been going home with Willow Class for litter picking adventures.  This term we celebrated 100 Days of School, Easter at the church and enjoying the amazing school Talent Show. 

Summer Term Update

Willow Class have been learning all about how chocolate is made and Ghana. They made their own chocolate lollies, went on a Safari and made Ghanaian Masks and their own Kente Cloth outfits! They also learnt about the Hindu festival of Holi with Oak class and had a super fun day learning about the festival of colour and even throwing Gulal paint! The children also went on a class trip to Maidstone and made their own pizza’s at Pizza Express before enjoying some role play fun at Little Street.




Newsletter Term 1+2 2023

Phonics in Willow Class 

Newsletter Term 3+4 2024

Newsletter Term 5+6 2024


YR Phonics Progression Map



We kicked off Term 3 by flying to China. We learnt about the landmarks, cooked Chinese food, learnt some Mandarin and celebrated Chinese New Year! We enjoyed learning about the story of Gruffalo and exploring our Gruffalo Café during Let’s Explore time. As well as Chinese New Year we also celebrated pancake day, 100 days of school, number day and World Book Day. 

In Term 4 our topic was ‘What a Wonderful World’. We have focused on a different area of the world each week and compared the weather, landscape and language. We also learnt about the story of the Bog Baby which taught us the importance of preserving and protecting animals habitats and making sure they eat the right food. We went on a woodland walk and were amazed to find Bog Baby footprints. This learning has helped us take care of the tadpoles in our class. We finished the term by celebrating Easter at the church. 

Willow Class have made an amazing start to their journeys at Lympne! They have all settled in well and made lots of new friends.

In Term 1 we were joined in class by the Colour Monster (based on the Colour Monster book). The Colour Monster was having a difficult time regulating his emotions, so each day we thought of ideas to help him get back to being happy and calm, in the process we also learnt to process and understand our own emotions! In PE we loved doing Bike-ability on the balance bikes and lots of dancing! We also learnt how Hindu’s celebrate Diwali by making Rangoli art, having a feast, doing lots of dancing and learning about the festival of light.


In Term 2 we had a lot of fun learning about the book ‘Supertato’. Evil Pea kept popping into class to play pranks on the vegetables so we made traps and posters to make him stop. We had a Superhero day where we all dressed up as Superheroes and completed some of Evil Pea and Supertato’s challenges! We also read the book ‘Kindness is my Superpower’ and thought about what our Superpowers are, and we read ‘Real Heroes’ and learnt about the real superheroes doing jobs that help us every day!

In December, we enjoyed practicing our Nativity ‘Lights Camel Action’, going to a Christingle celebration, the Marlowe Pantomime and having Hearty the Elf visit us.

Next term we are looking forward to learning about the Gruffalo, Dragons and China!

Have a lovely summer Willow Class, well done!